there are places in the world where women cannot run,

il y a encore des endroits dans le monde où les femmes se battent pour courir ou pratiquer un sport librement

we’re running for them.

nous nous battons avec elles

Join Us From Anywhere In The World For Our

7th Annual Secret 3K Run/Walk on March 6, 2024!

Joignez-vous à nous pour la 6ème édition des 3 kms Secrets le 6 mars prochain, à l'occasion de la journée internationale des femmes.

we want to let you in on a secret.

In 2015 for the first time ever, a marathon was held in Afghanistan, a marathon that both men and women were able to participate in but they had to keep it a secret. Why? There are still places in the world where women are not allowed to run or walk outside. However, a community in Afghanistan courageously carved out a new way forward for the next generation. By creating safe races they helped to create a safe place. We want to help.

Join us for The Secret 3K run/walk. Held during the week of International Women's Day, this race celebrates our right to be free to run. We're inviting everyone to come together in solidarity supporting the right all humans should have to walk or run free of fear in their community.

By participating you are helping us to increase awareness about gender equality issues and by making a donation you are helping to further the work of our charity partners to build safe and inclusive spaces that promote gender equality. Together we can empower women and girls through education and sport.

Make a difference by signing up to participate in The Secret 3K and inviting a friend to join you today.

See the story that inspired the creation of the Secret 3K! Visit To learn more about The Secret Marathon documentary film visit

On March 6, 2024 join us from anywhere in the world for our 6th annual Secret 3K run/walk!

Joignez-vous à nous pour la 6ème édition des 3 km Secrets! Cette marche/course est ouverte à tout le monde et aura lieu le 6 mars prochain, à l'occasion de la journée internationale des femmes.

L'événement s’inspire d’un marathon Afghan qui a eu lieu en 2015 et dont l’itinéraire était resté secret par peur de représailles. Beaucoup y ont cependant participé pour revendiquer des lieux sains et inclusifs. 

Joignez-vous à nous pour célébrer leurs efforts et promouvoir cette cause!

Want to host your own Secret 3K event in your country?

Click here to learn more